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All website template is released under a Creative Commons Attribution 2.5 License

We request you retain the full copyright notice below including the link to www.facebookpagetemplates.com. This not only gives respect to the large amount of time given freely by the developers but also helps build interest, traffic and use of our free and paid designs. If you cannot (for good reason) retain the full copyright we request you at least leave in place the Website Templates line, with Website Templates linked to www.facebookpagetemplates.com. If you refuse to include even this then support may be affected.

You are allowed to use this design only if you agree to the following conditions:
- You can not remove copyright notice from any our template without our permission.
- If you modify any our template it still should contain copyright because it is based on our work.
- You may copy, distribute, modify, etc. any our template as long as link to our website remains untouched.

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Facebook Page Templates

FacebookPageTemplates.com offers you unique absolutely for free. Our Facebook Pages are easy to install and can actually draw the attention of your page visitors. Owe to the unique design and the simple replacement of the content, our templates are very popular among facebook users. All the big companies have already created their own unique pages on facebook. Owe to these pages, users can buy your goods, exchange views and disseminate news about your business. So if you already have a website why don’t you create a page on facebook that will represent you or your company? Landing pages created on our Facebook Page Templates base will certainly attract the attention of the visitors and turn them into your fans.